16. juuli 2012

Startup Wise Guys: alanud on avalduste vastuvõtmine järgmisesse ringi

Eesti kiirendi Startup Wise Guys esimene ring on lõppenud ning alanud on ettevalmistused järgmiseks ringiks, mis alustab jaanuaris 2013. Ametlik avalduste esitamine kuulutatakse välja sügisel, kuid varajaste avalduste vastuvõtt on juba alanud, et saada tagasisidet programmi ettevalmistamiseks.


Now that the first cycle is done with, we are making preparations for the next one. The next cycle will go live in January 2013 and the application round for it will officially be opened in fall. However, we have already opened an early bird application round for startups looking for some feedback and might need some more time to prepare for the program.

We have some exciting news! An early application round has been lauched as of today. This gives everyone interested in the accelerator an opportunity to have us take a look at your business ideas, get some feedback and make improvements if needed. Early applicants will have a considerable advantage over the ones we'll be accepting from fall this year. We will have more time to work through these applications and the applicants will have more time to prepare for the upcoming funding cycle. 