06. juuni 2012

StartSmart: StartSmart interneti keskkonda saab nüüd riputada idufirmade teadaandeid

Vajad meeskonda kedagi kes teab näiteks kuidas lennuk ujuma panna? Anna sellest teada StartSmart! interneti keskkonnas!


Alates käesolevast nädalast on StartSmart! Interneti keskkonnas idufirmade reklaamimise ja Startup Databases arendatavate meeskondade ning nende ideede tutvustamise võimalusvõimalus.


The extra function ‘Marketplace’ of the Web environment www.start-smart.me was established at the portal, keeping in mind the actual needs of startup teams as yet, there was no public spot for announcements for all parties of the startup scene.


Startups can introduce their business idea to a wider audience by adding the profile and contact data of their company. Should there be a need to find an additional team member or any other resource, an advertisement with respective content can easily be put up. Business support organisations and funders can also add advertisements.


The content of an advertisement is not strictly defined and in addition to searching team members, it is possible to seek and find everything starting from special literature to missing technology. Next to the advertisement, it is possible to display the Twitter feed as well, which provides potential interested parties with a good overview of the recent activities of the institution posting the ad.


The environment is simple; there is no special system for contacting people, advertisements can be responded to by way of e-mail or by telephone. We did not want to create another LinkedIN or Facebook, but wished to offer a place where startups could easily and quickly let others know of their needs.


The startups whose team is yet being created and whose idea needs feedback for development as well as additional resources are those who could benefit the most from the marketplace. The StartSmart! environment also helps the already functional root companies to reach necessary people.


The StartSmart! web environment is located at the address: www.start-smart.me


Allikas: http://www.start-smart.me/en/news/20/need-team-members-know-how-or-a-float-plane-for-example-announce-it-in-the-startsmart-web-environment/
